Calling All White People, Part 48: Black labor should not be free labor

old style corded black phone mounted on red paneled wall

TODAY’S EPISODE: Don’t make Black people your intellectual and emotional sharecroppers [To find other installments of “Calling All White People,” click here] As I’m writing this post, it’s Black Friday. For the 0.1% of you who don’t know what that is, it’s the day after the Thanksgiving Day holiday (or Day of Mourning or however …

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It’s not voter ignorance that keeps him in power…they know exactly who and what he is

Eerie digital face with X's for eyes beneath a red hood, with hands about to draw the hood away, all against a dark nightime background

With less than two months to go until the election, the president’s approval rating is holding steady. In fact, despite his blatant corruption, incomprehensible disdain for American citizens and even his pitiful stupidity, his approval ratings have held steady throughout his entire term. This confuses a lot of people. It confuses some people so much …

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