Why can’t we be together or, Isn’t that racist?

one brown hand and four white hands on a table

July is that one month for me that is always just personally and professionally chaotic. It’s the one month where I am always playing catch-up and trying to catch my breath. This July, though, had more twists and turns than I could have ever imagined with Joe Biden unexpectedly dropping out of the presidential race …

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From Black Lives Matter to Jim Crow 2.0

overhead view of a spiral staircase in a round brick tower descending downward, with light coming in from small windows on either side

The problem with progress is the assumption we make that it will always continue moving forward—but the truth is that progress requires diligence, attention, and not getting complacent. For over two years, I worked out several times a week with a personal trainer, specifically working on weight training. Late last summer, I decided that it …

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The uncertainty of whiteness

White woman with a thick black scarf and blue shirt or jacket whose face is mostly obscured behind a large sheet of ice she is holding in front of her with her left hand

Growing up, my parents only had a few hardcore rules that were ingrained in me early in life. Among them was: Don’t ever bring home a white boy. If you ever saw my TedX talk from years ago, you know that my father grew up in rural Arkansas as one of 16 children—and my grandparents …

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