Inequality, injustice, infection | TEDxDirigo 2 | 2016
Now more than ever we must look unabashedly at race inequality. Meeting in the middle is not enough, says Shay Stewart-Bouley. In this rousing talk, she boldly elicits our collective responsibility to fight for racial justice.
Black voters ‘deeply offended’ by Maine GOP chair | MSNBC | 2012
Melissa Harris-Perry" show on the topic of black people in Maine, the myth of voter fraud involving blacks in the state and blogging about race in such a white place
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Letting It Rip - It's A Good Thing | SheSpeaks: Women's Storytelling | 2011
Shay Stewart-Bouley speaks in front of a live audience in Portland, Maine, at SheSpeaks, a women's speaking series hosted by SheChanges. Shay's story demonstrates how sometimes you have nothing to lose and everything to gain simply by keeping it real.
Visit SheChanges Creating Conscious Transitions
Additional Articles
Portsmouth Herald- Seacoast Online
The Sound
Bitch Magazine
A link to a radio interview for NPR's Maine affiliate MPBN, where I and others discussing being Black in Maine.
Talk on a local show with white author and anti-racist activist Debby Irving Sept 2014
Portsmouth Herald- Seacoast Online
The Sound
Bitch Magazine

Want more BGIM? Consider booking me to speak with your group or organization. Due to the sheer volume of requests, please don't be offended if I don't get back to you right away.
Why Hire Shay?
Unlike traditional diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, my approach is rooted in building relational connections, whether it is in my Beloved Community sessions, Authentic Dialogues, keynote addresses, or Tell me the Truth sessions with author Debby Irving. I believe the most effective approach to anti-racism work requires building trust and relationships. Racism is a foundational problem. Here in the United States, racism was literally woven into the fabric of our nation and our founding documents, which did not see the inherent value in all people. That unfortunate legacy is still very much a part of today’s inequity throughout our systems and institutions. And while we can learn the facts and the details and be given suggestions on creating change, real change only happens when we can see the shared aspects of our humanity and inherent worth.
What Participants Say
"Shay is a gifted community builder. She wove us together, patiently, firmly, and consistently. She asked hard questions, and challenged us to be our best selves, to do more than we thought we could do." —BONNIE SHULMAN
"Reading or listening to Shay Stewart-Bouley is always worthwhile. She is honest and forthright. I have frequently found her writings to be thought provoking."
"Shay was a thoughtful and stimulating speaker. She brought a new phase to my vocabulary, “brave space." I have already used it with several trauma recovery clients."
I am saddened reading your blogs by the (seeming) fact that we have made no progress over the last 40 odd years since the death of MLK, and the advances of the Johnson administration….we have gone backwards. The GOP has much to answer for by enabling average white Americans……
Interestingly some of the issues are no different than one might encounter in cities where there is a substantial Black population (at least on paper). Nice site overall and you’re definitely not just a “mommy blogger.” 😉