Have a good cry; we have work to do

closeup of a woman's face with a tear flowing fro one eye

It has been almost 21 years since my mother died and I still remember that night as if it were yesterday. My mother was in a nursing home after brain surgery had taken a turn for the worse. It was the early 00s and cell phone technologies weren’t what they are now. My father had …

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Yep, we are in the danger zone: Thoughts on organizing

BGIM Logo Pine Trees with fist

As someone who was diagnosed with hypertension almost two years ago, part of me maintaining healthy blood pressure is to do a home check several times a week and keep track of it. I’m on the lowest dose of hypertension medication possible, a choice I made to force me to stay compliant with the changes …

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Fear as fuel for change

Bonfire in darkness, with flames that look vaguely like a humanoid fire creature with arms flailing above head

A few nights ago, my 19-year-old daughter asked me if I was scared about the incoming Trump administration. I told her that while I am fearful, I am doing my best to not be consumed by fear. While we survived the first Trump, I suspect this second term is going to be far more turbulent. …

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