We need to ditch the myths and stick together to win this one

A group of several red pawn chess pieces to the left, with a lone black pawn chess piece off to the right, possibly indicating shunning or exclusion, or possibly even a tentative approach to a group

Out of all the anti-vax myths to stick around these 18 months, the one that bothers me the most is COVID isn’t really a problem if you’re “healthy.” Somehow this misconception persists despite the well-documented, ongoing and debilitating effects of long COVID amongst everyone, the young and healthy included. The problem, of course is that …

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Black pain for laughs

silhouette of black woman's head, screaming out in anguish

If you are in the business of comedy and making people laugh, the laziest route to fast laughs is to laugh at Black people with no regard to our trauma and history. Which is what NBC’s Saturday Night Live did on April 3, 2021, with their “Vaccine Game Show” sketch featuring esteemed actor Daniel Kaluuya.  …

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The ‘uterus collector’ is an infuriating product of our history

silhouette of black woman's head, screaming out in anguish

I’m so mad. My anger has overflowed. Learning this week that women in the ICE detention centers have been given unauthorized and unwarranted hysterectomies has us overcome with anger, guilt, grief. Women. Having their wombs taken away. Having the ability to continue their families, culture, traditions, heritage. Mothers. Taking away a woman’s right. Taking away …

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