It’s a warm and sunny day up in my corner of the world and while I have many things I would love to say, I would rather soak up some of Mother Nature’s blessings. So I am re posting this post from 2009, in light of a recent piece about Black Folks and Twitter, it seems timely. Catch ya later.
Excuse me for being a tad late on this but with all that’s happening locally, its taking me a while to catch up on world happenings. Anyway Sunday night the BET awards were on, I won’t even go into what a mess they were other than to say, I don’t care what they say they have planned, I will pass the next time. However something interesting emerged, seemed a lot of Black folks were tweeting about the festivities at BET and some folks got mad about it…check this out, you can also feel free to do a Google search on the matter.
Seems a few folks were bothered by the fact that the trending topics the other night were the BET awards and were a tad pissed that all things Black seemed to be taking over…seems that social media like so many other things are no longer the sole domain of white people. Shit, even the White House is no longer inhabited by white folks!
Seriously, all jokes aside I think this is great, for years folks have been quick to point out there is a digital divide that is leaving poor folks and people of color out in the cold. Yet with the price of technology steadily dropping, it seems access to the information highway is now being made available to everyone and while I am irritated to hear folks bitching about so called Black topics, its nothing in comparison to the fact that more folks have access to information.
I must say when I first heard this story, I did get a tad pissed…no offense to my white readers and friends but as a Black woman who spends a lot of time around white folks, you have no idea how often I have been on the listening or reading end of subject matter that frankly bored me to tears. Yet I sucked it up, its part of living in a diverse and increasingly more inclusive society….we get exposure to all sorts of things.
In hearing about this story, I was reminded of a quote by Audre Lord “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house”….while the masters tools may not dismantle the masters house, we most certainly can say that using the masters tools will create change. Change that will make us all reexamine how we look at the world. As for the few idiots who tweeted their irritation about the trending topics perhaps next time they would feel more comfortable on a discussion board for Stormfront or some other racist organization…after all in cyber space you have no idea who you are engaging with and now the world knows you are a bunch of idiots but you will hardly deter folks like me from venturing into this brave new world of social media.
LOL, be happy you don’t “get-it”.
What in Hell is a “black topic”???? Some people are idiots.