Pissing on our heads and calling it rain

Recently, in Trump-landia, the Donald had this to say in the wake of complaining about (or vaguely threatening) NFL players for taking the knee during the national anthem and Kim Kardashian “advising” him about prison reform:

“What I’m going to do is, I’m going to say to them instead of talk … I am going to ask all of those people to recommend to me—because that’s what they’re protesting—people that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system. And I understand that.”

He added, “If the athletes have friends of theirs or people they know about that have been unfairly treated by the system, let me know.”

This statement was made to insinuate that he would be willing to use his power to “pardon” these individuals. As a result, liberal white folks from here to England have been swallowing their pride (and common sense) and choking out accolades for this dude. I actually had people that know me, who have interacted with me personally, low-key praising Trump. Are ya’ll ok? Do Black folks really have to sit y’all down and tell y’all why his statement is bullshit? I know sometimes racism isn’t obviously stated, but this one should have been easy to catch for more reasons than just one.

First of all … how’s that wall coming? Did they repeal and replace yet? Has he been able to successfully scrub Obama’s name from the history books and put Hillary Clinton in jail? Everything that comes outta that bum’s mouth is a cotton-pickin’ lie (in my Annie Mae Chapman voice). You can’t trust any person with money who chooses to show their face, publicly, looking like they got slapped with a bag of Cheeto dust.

Secondly, he’s basically pardoning folks in exchange for a damn photo opp. Its 2018, and Donald Trump still uses photos of famous folks, especially famous Black folks, for publicity. Think about it: we live in a country where a photo with the president pretty much gets you three wishes. I don’t know what Kim Kardashian spent her other two wishes on, but I’m sure we’ll find out when Kanye West decides to enlighten us on the finer points of systematic racism. Oh, for those of you who didn’t hear: Kim Kardashian read the cover of Michelle Alexander’s book and is now an expert on mass incarceration. She’s not the hero we need, but trust me … she’s the hero we deserve.

And for my final point, this statement has distracted some of you to the point that you don’t even realize how harmful this actually is. By insinuating that athletes are upset because they think their “friends” have been treated unfairly, Trump has transformed the whole conversation from a broader discussion about injustices that permeate every space in our justice system to a conversation about personal vendettas. Personal vendettas and special treatment.

Imma need a Super Saiyan-level side-eye for this one. Donald Trump isn’t the white savior this country needs or deserves. Even though we have totally become a cesspool of antiblackness and AR-15s, I still want to hold on to the thought that we deserve better than this.

Y’all don’t hear me, though.

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Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash.

4 thoughts on “Pissing on our heads and calling it rain”

  1. if trump is taking requests, then there are a couple hundred years wages, and some acres and a mule owed to me and mine.

    We are rarely taught critical thinking and some of us are just not bright. However, idiots feel that they are the “average norm”. They think we are weird for thinking so hard,

    Repubs and Trump count on stupid. Every policy of Repubs, such as lowering taxes and starting conflict will dig us further in debt. Working people’s tax breaks expire soon, while the very rich folks keep their tax breaks. They must not read,because that might lead to thoughts?

  2. Trump is totally without empathy and functions entirely in a “what’s in it for me”, transactional space. Of course he fails to understand, even remotely, what the NFL players are protesting. It is beyond his ability to comprehend. Whites who commend him for pardoning cannot see that he is actually abusing his office for self promotion, something he does daily. It’s all about him, no more, no less. If you get that, you understand this most detestabe of human beings. And of course what’s in it for him right now is the November election.

  3. Here’s a few names to give to lying Donald Trump: Stephon Clark, Alton Sterling, Terence Crutcher, Philando Castille, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, Micheal Brown, and the list goes on and on. What is Trump going to do for them even though he thinks he is God? The sad fact is Trump has seized on White fear of losing their privilege. That is why Trump gets away with the blatant lies and other nonesense. His supporters don’t care as long as they can rely on him to keep Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants (non white) in their place.

  4. What else would you expect of a bunch of melanin deficient puppets ? And “The Savior” is so proficient at pulling their strings !

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