Coming down from my high

Just a drive-by, yesterday as much as I wanted to post while watching the inauguration, I just couldn’t….it really was emotional for me. Today, I am starting to come down from the high and the glow. ForĀ a moment I was reminded of my stoner days when I used to get as high as a kite. …

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Cash for Clunkers…now all we need is some money

So I reading the local paper this morning and ran across this gem. On the surface it seems like a great idea, get folks to get rid of their old gas guzzling cars by offering an incentive of a few thousand dollars towards the purchase of a new, more efficient ride. However as I drank …

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Broke? Its the new trend

This morning as I do every morning, I woke up listening to NPR’s Marketplace. They had a guy talking about his financial life, seems 6-7 years ago, this chap was living the good life in Manhattan, earning six figures in the tech industry and basically no financial woes. Now this fellow lives in the Catskills, …

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