The soul of the nation

The events that took place in Charlottesville and the days after laid bare the soul of the United States. No matter how hard this nation tries, we cannot rid ourselves of the seemingly everlasting scourge of white supremacy. Early movements for civil rights sought to change our institutions in favor of more equitable policies and …

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Black People Are Not Monolithic

Today’s post is written by regular BGIM contributor Teddy Burrage, a Portland, Maine, native and local activist and organizer. When he’s not writing or working, you can usually find him exploring Maine’s vast interior and coastline. “Black people are not monolithic.” “Black people are not monolithic.” “Black people are not monolithic.” As I began to …

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A message to POC activists for racial justice: Words from Teddy

Teddy Burrage is a Portland, Maine, native and local activist and organizer. When he’s not writing or working, you can usually find him exploring Maine’s vast interior and coastline. As POC who are organizing and strategizing for racial justice, we face outside criticism on a regular basis, but sometimes challenges and divisiveness happen among ourselves …

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