What is this? The Twilight Zone

Ok, with all the world happenings, its time to take a break from talking about me and my life and rant about the world at large. Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to feel like we are living in some extended episode of the Twilight Zone?

Seriously, we all knew that when it became clear that Obama had a real chance at winning back in the primaries when he was up against Hills that this was going to be one for the history books. Then when he actually got the nomination and the convention happened, we knew it was going to be exciting or at the very least interesting as hell. Yet who knew that McCain was going to start getting nuttier than a fruitcake first by picking Sarah”dumb ass” Palin, and now this latest stunt, suspend the campaign. Um, dawg the election is what 39-40 days a way, now is not the time to suspend shit. In fact an intelligent person might say its a good time to show us (that would be the American simpletons) what you working with, give us some insight into your game plan. No, it is not the time to take a time out. In fact taking a time out right now looks bad, but I suspect the Rethugs will spin this shit so that in the end Obama will look power hungry and they will remind us that ole John is all about “Country First” as his motto tell us.

Maybe he is taking a break because well this is a man that up until a few days ago truly  believed the economy was fundamentally strong, but wait then he told us it was the American worker who was strong… um, which is it? Or are you having a senior moment?

Don’t even get me started on Bernanke and Paulson who are now trying to beg for the bailout otherwise the country will be fucked..newsflash mutha fucker, the average American is already screwed, I say if Wall Street gets a bailout where is my bailout? I am sure that pesky bill collector would be happy if I could pay him but guess what I don’t have any cash and ya know what, I am learning to live within my means. Yeah, I got a collector or two calling me these days, see when I lost my job last year and the family income took a nosedive Mr. Visa and Mr Discover didn’t want the $10 a month I offered, so they sent a sista to collections. I will pay them but right now my priority is on keeping the basics, you know shelter, lights, food etc taken care of and whatever else left goes to the collectors alas I am not paying as fast as they would like, but what can I do? After all I doubt I am alone, but for average Joe/Jane we can’t get a bailout and that silly stimulus they gave us was basically gone before it got here, in my case it saved me from owing a ton more to the IRS. See no bailouts for us simpletons means I am gonna have to fix the old car rather than getting a newer one. See, once upon a time in America we were not a nation of consumers, we actually produced something, now we have an economy based on consumption and now the average Joe is realizing we can’t keep up. Call me crazy, but maybe its time for a collective shift in how we do things.

Back in the old days, eating out was a treat, not a right. Shopping is what you did when you needed something not because you were bored and no one outside of the hip cats and artists drank espressos and they weren’t served at places as ubiquitous as Starbucks. No espresso to go, you went to the place and sat down and drank it. Now $5 drinks are all the norm or least they were before average Joe’s realized they needed to start cutting back.

I’m not saying the market needs to crash and burn but rather we need to make a fundamental shift back to living within our means and not getting caught up. Right now this bailout is intended to get the markets flowing, it seems credit is getting harder to get for Joe Sixpack, I don’t know maybe that is not a bad thing. Hell, when I was young you saved your ducats and bought when you had the money, you wanted a house, you saved until you had at least 20% down, not no money down. Sorry but buying a house with no cash down is just a fancy form of renting IMO.

So while the powers to be are all screaming the economy is screwed, tell me something I didn’t already know. As for McCain, guess the big question is will he show up for the debate or will he call up like he did David Letterman with some bullshit excuse.

Nope, I dare say this country is starting to look like some strange episode of the Twilight Zone, where the rich get even richer and everyone else barely gets by. Where the fat cats on Wall Street are screaming they need help, yet just 2 years ago folks at the same firms going belly-up were getting bonuses that were equal to the town budget in places like Maine.

In any event we have 39 more days of fun shit before we find out who will lead us out of this mess we are in thanks to the Bush-Cheney regime.

7 thoughts on “What is this? The Twilight Zone”

  1. I love this so much I had to quote it:

    “Back in the old days, eating out was a treat, not a right. Shopping is what you did when you needed something not because you were bored and no one outside of the hip cats and artists drank espressos and they weren’t served at places as ubiquitous as Starbucks. No espresso to go, you went to the place and sat down and drank it.”

    Back in the REALLY OLD days people were like, “They have places where they just serve coffee? For HOW MUCH? And you don’t even get no eggs to go with it?” lol

    Hope you’re having a great computer-free weekend. I wish I could say the same (being computer-free, that is). I was supposed to be off of here 20 minutes ago.

  2. @Mangobutta, yeah they clearly are some good shit us mere mortals don’t have. I keep feeling like we are in some universe that has mixed Animal Farm with the Twilight Zone.

    @Raw, yes indeed Country First does sound like air freshner except this one ain’t working.

    @ Krytsal, I saw that clip this morning… Lawd help us all, she is a scary and nutty woman. Can we say her elevator does not go to the penthouse.

  3. This is a bit off topic, but has anyone seen Palin choke in her interviews with Katie Couric. I am completely astounded that this woman is actually being considered for the US VP.

    Watching Palin’s interviews, I did feel like I was in the twilight zone. People need to wake up.

    You can see three video segments here:


    Here’s the video clip where Palin can’t give specifics on McCain’s pro-regulation record.


  4. It is quite bizarre- especially since they could have locked all of those crazy loans in months ago to stop the hemorrhaging from happening.

    I just read this conspiracy theory: and at this point even that sounds plausible in the current twilight zone of the entire situation. I’m ready for the time machine to just get my vote over with now and be done.

  5. It’s not the twilight zone…its a whole ‘nother zone all together.

    I want what Bernacke/Bush/McIdiot & Company are smoking. Because obviously they are not aware that we are already in a recession. They seem to not only have enough weed but money too to cushion themselves from reality.

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