Tis Friday which means its time for me to wind down for the week. Looks like McCain will indeed show up for the debate, so hopefully I can steal some TV time away from the girl child to catch this debate. Speaking of the election and world happenings, it seems another bank bit the dust. Bye-Bye WAMU, you assholes turned me down for a card last year and now you are no more… guess I didn’t need that card anyway.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, how come every time you open your mouth up, you just dig a deeper hole of possibly being dumber than the current president. I caught the second part of Palin’s interview with Katie Couric this morning and nearly dumped my coffee all over the keyboard. Any moment I expected Palin to do an ole school “Sike” and really answer the fucking questions. I was at a blog this morning where the blogger said that despite Palin’s fancy clothes, hair, glasses, and make-up, she really belongs in a trailer park, now I know not all trailer park residents are dumber than bricks but Palin is pretty fucking stupid. Instead of getting the cliff notes for questions, someone needs to give her a primer of World Events 101 for the past 20 years… I mean when the Rethugs themselves start publicly and loudly declaring she is not right for the gig, well you know its bad.
Anyway today’s post is short since the spousal unit and I are cutting our respective work days short to steal a little time together before we free mini- me from the child work place known as daycare/preschool. Rain is projected all this weekend here in Maine, but I am hoping I can keep my promise to myself to keep off the computer when its not an actual work day, instead planning to connect with family and friends.
Have a happy weekend and see ya on Monday. If the world keeps going as its been lately, maybe only one more financial institution will go belly-up this weekend and the debates will actually yield something positive. Peace out!