Can I just say that after viewing several you-tube videos as well as footage from a McCain-Palin rally that I am really scared as well as depressed by the state of our nation and the folks who reside in this nation. Yesterday, I saw some footage outside a rally in Strongville, OH that showed folks who were very proud to wallow in their ignorance when it comes to Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama.
Folks proudly and angrily declared that Obama is a terrorist, its in his bloodline, one woman in particular a blond chick was almost foaming at the mouth with hatred towards Obama. Other footage I saw yesterday included folks saying that Obama would lead us into socialism and communism. (yo dumb asses, that bank bailout is a slippery slope away from capitalism, are you aware of that?) Folks screaming that the organization ACORN is responsible for the housing crisis that has now morphed into the credit and financial crisis. Implication being that the Negros aka the darkies are responsible for this shit.
Talk about a lot of half-baked theories not rooted in any type of reality. However aside from the one Negro in Wisconsin ( a mister James T Harris by the way, conservative radio talk show host) who needs his Black card immediately revoked, all the folks spewing with this anger were all white. Which leads me to wonder and guess is the word terrorist the new nigger. See, we are all scared of terrorists and the powers to be would have us to believe that all terrorists are folks with dark skin. Never mind that America herself has given birth to many crazy ass white folks who we could call terrorists (Timothy McVeigh, anyone?). When a white person slips and goes crazy well its just a blip, ya know how it is.
No, the McCain-Palin camp recognizes that fear of race and fear of the unknown is still real in this country so while they know they can’t just come out and call Obama a nigger, and tell folks to fear the nigger. They can and are saying fear the terrorist, fear the dark one and sadly their supporters are buying it, in fact they are gobbling it up like a hungry person. Problem is that is this is some scary shit, these folks are so fearful of the dark one, the “terrorist” that they don’t even care that voting for McCain and his winged she bitch will only make their working class financial plight worse. No, anything is better than a terrorist aka a nigger.
Now I bet anything these same folks who are fearful of Obama with no basis in reality would be quick to say that they aren’t racist, of course not. I mean even the hardcore racists know you can’t come out and say you hate Black folks, but you can come out and say you hate terrorists who in most simple American minds are non-white folks.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying all McCain supporters are racist, shit I have one friend who is a lifelong Republican in fact this political season we aren’t even talking about this election because its too heated. I believe folks have the right to vote for whoever they want, but damn use some common sense and don’t let your choices be based in fear and ignorance. Have a reasonable reason for voting the way you do, know the issues, not just the regurgitated Fox News sound bytes…
No, as I drank my coffee this morning, the ole commercials from the United Negro College Fund came to mind ” A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste” Sadly in America looks like a lot of minds are being wasted and that could very well be our downfall.
This was a very enlightening post. And unfortunately, so true.
It is bad enough that Palin was chosen as a running mate. What a slap in the face to real intellegent women, but this newline of attack, by trying to subtly inject fear into the campaign by fanning the flames of racist sentiment, is a new low. Disappointing.
Check out this post, Arab=Terrorist=Muslim=Nigger @
Fantastic post! I placed it in the Hall of Fame for Individual Posts by Other Bloggers.
“winged she bitch” – teehee.
It’s an embarassment that all of this is being played out on the global stage. American politics is a laughing stock. If folks had a rational argument for whomever they are voting for…but I’ve set my expectations too high.