It’s Friday and it’s hot and here I was thinking what ever will I blog about when a discussion I participated in recently for Bitch magazine was just released. It’s me and several other non standard mom bloggers talking about race and the blogosphere. Check it out! Would love to hear your thoughts!
It might be quiet around these parts for a few days as we get ready to send the eldest back to college. No matter how often he leaves, as a mother when he leaves it takes a few days to get balanced again. Until we meet again…keep passing the open windows!
I read the article and I enjoyed what everyone on the panel had to say. I’m happy to say I’m familiar with and/or follow most of their blogs.
I guess technically, I’m a “mommyblogger” because my blog started out as a place for me to “navelgaze” about my experiences about becoming a mother for the first time but it’s evolving as I’m evolving (when I find time to write anymore). When I first started blogging I sought out other blogs by women of color, specifically black women who had similar thoughts about parenting and I did find them but none of them are big name bloggers. While I’m not particularly drawn to mega-blogs, I am saddened by the fact that there’s very little racial or class diversity among those who make it to the top. Recently a rather famous mom blogger wrote about making a ridiculous purchase to get back at her husband for making a big deal about something small. While lots of people thought it was funny, I just felt annoyed. Yeah, she can spend her money however she wants, but in this economy I can’t see a working class/poor mom doing the same thing and then writing about it gleefully. But then again, I could be wrong.
In any event, I agree that blogging is changing in a way that makes it seem like it’s all about attracting sponsorship and advertising, and that the well written, well thought out posts are going by the wayside.
I love what you wrote. I know aside from wondering where the women of color are, I also wonder where are the working class folks?
Like you most of my core readers are not bloggers, just folks who find me often via a google search but stick around.
I wish you could have been a part of the discussion because voices like yours are needed, I know you follow me on twitter and recently I have been pissed as I have read about some of the newer/younger bloggers who went to a certain conference yet the couldn’t afford it…hello, what were you thinking?
I am half asleep so I know I am making no sense but thank you.
My computer battery is about to die, but I read the article. Whoa! It has really given me a lot to think over.
I fit all the white mom blogger bullet points except class. Baby, I’m working poor! And even missing that one little piece has made me feel out of the loop in the mom blogger world. I’m not popular on Twitter…I’m not rooming with BFFs at conferences…I’m not in the circle jerk of paid opportunities…
Luckily, mom blogging isn’t just a bunch of women bloggers sitting around talking. (Went to a conference where white, upper-middle, SAHM ladies moaned that no one else outside of their blog circle read their blogs, so yes, some blogs are all about the same 50 or so people petting each other’s hair and telling how pretty they are.) A big percentage of my readers AREN’T OTHER BLOGGERS. They are normal, everyday women. Some don’t have kids. Some aren’t married. Some are grandmas and empty-nesters. Anyway, they are all reading me because they want to hear MY story…my white, struggling, pay-check-to-pay-check, angst ridden story.
So while the mom blog community (headed by online magazines like Babble or BlogHer) may push white SAHM with $$$ to the forefront, each of our individual blogs are reaching thousands of readers and showing them a glimpse of real American moms. Diff. colors. Diff. class. Diff. lives. BUT ALL MOTHERS.