The uncertainty of whiteness

White woman with a thick black scarf and blue shirt or jacket whose face is mostly obscured behind a large sheet of ice she is holding in front of her with her left hand

Growing up, my parents only had a few hardcore rules that were ingrained in me early in life. Among them was: Don’t ever bring home a white boy. If you ever saw my TedX talk from years ago, you know that my father grew up in rural Arkansas as one of 16 children—and my grandparents …

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Anti-whiteness does not mean being “anti-white”

Pedestrian crossing signal with red hand signalling stop

Too many people assume that my sentiments against “whiteness” mean that I don’t like white people. Far from it. I like and love all sorts of people, and I’ve had wonderful relationships both platonic and intimate with people who are white. My problem is that whiteness is a whole other thing from being white. Whiteness …

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Calling All White People, Part 65: Are we just going to yawn at the passing of DEI?

old style corded black phone mounted on red paneled wall

Calling All White People, Part 65 TODAY’S EPISODE: Diversity efforts deserve more commitment and less indifference   I’m not saying that people are simply heaving a collective yawn at the dismantling of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts—if they notice their dwindling presence and imminent death at all—but I’m… …yeah, I’m saying it. That’s exactly …

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