Things I don’t get….sushi and staycations

Random thoughts as I revel in being more or less on vacation this week, oh sorry! It’s really just a staycation with a one day trip to Boston thrown in, can I tell how much  the word staycation annoys me? Frankly I think a broke hipster invented that word so that he/she would not have to think about how broke they were and how shitty it was that they really couldn’t get away. Everyone knows when you say you are doing a staycation that the reality is you are a member of the broke Phi broke club, so own up to your reality.

In other random stuff I think when I have time off, why is sushi suddenly the must eat food? Seriously? I eat sushi, but whenever I am eating it, I find myself thinking, this would be so much better if it was deep fried with a side of fries and some coleslaw. A few weeks ago for my birthday, a group of us got together and everyone had sushi except for me and one other pal. I always love how excited die hard sushi eaters look as they gear up to eat, but truthfully I lack that enthusiasm for sushi. Sushi to me is like tuna casserole, I occasionally like it but let’s not make this a regular thing unless I use a shit load of wasabi.

There was a brief period of time when I thought I really liked sushi, until I realized I was basically eating it to clear my sinuses with the amount of wasabi I used. At that point, I decided to accept the fact that I am not one of the cool kids….pass me some fried fish please?


4 thoughts on “Things I don’t get….sushi and staycations”

  1. I miss the fried whiting on soft bread with ketchup sandwiches my parents used to get us when they took us with them to the fish market. God, that stuff was so good. I like rolls (esp. hand rolls), but am not crazy about sushi. I like my fish at least smoked!

  2. Lol! You sound like my husband, “pass me the fried fish” he a,ways says! I eat sushi sometimes…but since this LapBand..I can hardly eat anything!! Doing its job I suppose lol!

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