So according to Harold Camping and his merry band of dupes…oopps that would be followers the world shall be ending tomorrow May 21, 2011. It’s easy to laugh this away but despite the fact I have struggled with my faith in recent years, the truth is my connection to Evangelical Christianity runs deep.
Earlier this week, I found myself deep in the book of Revelations and other books of the New Testament only to be reminded that while the Bible does indeed speak of Jesus’s return to earth and a period of tribulation but and this is a but, its clear that no one will know the time. The bible itself says this (presuming you believe or even care about the Bible) in fact Paul who was the architect of the modern day church is clear that plenty of charlatans however will try to fool people. While I struggle with my faith, I admit going back and reading those words felt comforting.
So with it being the last day on earth, I figure screw writing or anything I have to do, I am about to eat, drink and be merry.