I think it might be time to take a break at least for one post about current events instead I am just working through some personal disappointments and having one of those days when to be frank, this being an adult gig sucks. It’s funny how we try to teach our kids about dealing with life but then we have our own bad day, suddenly the lessons we have been giving to others, go straight out the window. Tis life!
Regular readers of this space know that I have been practicing yoga for the past several years and this year really started taking it serious. The practice of yoga has literally changed my life; it feels like the missing link that I have been searching for so long. Yoga to me is not just deep breathing or stretching, it has changed how I view life. It’s the ability to quiet my mind and go to a level within that I never even knew was possible. It is also a practical way for me to manage my stress and anxiety and over the years I have been able to wean myself off medication.
In recent months as I have been thinking about my professional track, I have been toying with an eventual career change and thinking that somehow yoga might play a role in that. I had been planning on taking a four month immersion workshop with my own teacher that would give me the first 100 hours of what is needed towards the 200 hour teacher training. Sadly though reality slapped me in the face and even with a partial scholarship for this training, grownup me realized that at this time, this workshop is financially not feasible. I admit I am pretty bummed and greatly disappointed and somehow trusting that there is a reason this is not happening though it is something I really wanted.
In other disappointments, this will be the first Christmas in years that the college boy aka my son won’t be with me on Christmas. He recently made the much needed decision to move out off campus and is settling into his first apartment and planning on spending a few days with his Dad as well in the Midwest. We were together at Thanksgiving time but as a Mama Bear I admit I am sad though he will be here in January before he returns to classes. Just another reminder that while he will always be my baby, he is truly a young man. Sigh….hold your babies tight, damn it, they grow up too fast.
In other news though, my instinctive eating plan is working, I am down a full size and feeling great. It seems when you give up the daily latte and wine and minimize meat, the weight comes off. I am feeling great, so great that this weekend I went and added a few much needed pieces to the wardrobe. I realized that I am definitely becoming a woman of a certain age as my layering game has been stepped up. Let me tell you, layers are the best friend of the almost middle aged woman; they hide a multitude of sins, namely the less than flat belly. Reality is accepting that after 2 babies and major abdominal surgery, I am probably never going to see a flat belly.
Anyway that’s the view in BGIM land, now let me go and eat this slice of gingerbread. Ciao!