After a summer of wondering when summer was going to actually arrive, it seems summer has decided to arrive with a vengeance up here in my corner of the world. People always assume that people of color dislike cold weather and prefer hot weather, of course that is a silly stereotype but like many stereotypes they can sometimes be based in reality. (Though an informal poll amongst my friends of color shows only a handful share my love of cool weather) Take my father, he loves hot weather. However his love of hot weather did not rub off on me, anything over 75 degrees is officially too hot and humidity? I hate humidity, of course being a seasonal allergy sufferer humidity only seems to make me feel even worse and combined with heat, I become a cranky lady.
I on the other hand love crisp cool days, thankfully summer is a brief season in Maine so I am trying not to complain too much, though beach trips are fun, so summer has some uses!
So while its nice to see the sun, the fact that its 80+ with humidity is making me cranky and sadly my resolve to not use air conditioning this summer has gone out the window. Can someone please turn down the heat? Or at the very least turn off the humidity switch? Thanks!