Its been a busy day, I was almost too busy to post but after chuckling about my visit to the local health food store, I figured I share my experience.
Let me start off by saying I am a sucker when it comes to shopping at places like Whole Foods or any good natural grocery store, its rare that I walk out of such places spending less than a $100 which if you know these places, does not buy a lot of food. However in keeping with my commitment to not spend so much this month, I went in to my local health food store with a firm commitment to spend $20 or less. Now my list only had oatmeal and coffee, the coffee is $11 a lb and bulk oats go for $1.69 a lb. I only added some dish washing liquid and a cup of coffee to go…grand total a mere $21 and some odd change. This was a very good visit for me as the spousal unit commented, I have never spent so little at this particular shop.
I must admit it though it was hard especially as the fresh meat section is now across from the bulk bins and the fresh organic chickens and ground beef were winking at me. That is until I looked up close and saw that the price on the rather small Colemans Natural Chicken was only $12. Yep, only $12 for a nice uncooked chicken, a nice raw chicken that would require me to go home and prepare it.
I have to be honest, I am all about the organics and eating local but $12 for a uncooked chicken that only appeared to be 3 pounds at best is well, rather stupid. In these rough economic times I have had to start picking and choosing what is organic that I can keep buying, right now diary products and ground beef are the two winners. Anything else well, its been a nice ride on the organics but I just can’t do it anymore. Thankfully, we are not huge diary consumers but its still hard paying almost $5 for a half gallon of milk when I could get the standard issue milk for $3 a gallon.
Guess its a sign of the times, for a while organics were the hottest trends in grocery items but I suspect as more of us tighten the financial belt, gone are the days of all organics, all the time.
Anyway no $12 chickens tonight instead we are eating the .49 lbs chicken legs courtesy of the local butcher.
Happy Wednesday all!