Not that Barack Obama gives a damn what a sista in Maine thinks about him or his campaign, but the beauty of this country is that for the most part I can say what I want and blogging allows me the chance to share it with others. Regular readers know I generally steer clear of talking about politics but this being an historical week and all, I feel the need to add my two cents to all the many other voices out in the blogosphere.
Where oh where do I start? Truth is back last year when I heard Obama was running, I wasn’t all that jazzed about him (I believe I have spoken about this a while back), I am from Chicago but didn’t really have an opinion one way or the other. Honestly, I was more of an Edwards or “shudder” Clinton supporter. However around the time Obama won Iowa early this year, I jumped on the Obama bandwagon like a whole lot of other folks, after all and I am adult enough to say that I was being rather simplistic but the fact that the cat was Black pretty much lured me in. Since after I spent several hours looking over his policies versus Clinton’s, the differences between the two were negligible at best, besides being self-employed, Clinton’s mandate that folks would have to buy insurance pissed me off. So for me the scales were tipped by the fact that Clinton had way too much baggage and Obama was a smooth talker and he was Black and shit like a lot of other Black folks, I think it would be nice to see someone who looks like me in charge of this bitch for a change. Granted after years of the Bush-Cheney regime, a 1 legged elephant would be an improvement.
Now as the primary season went on and the other Democratic hopefuls dropped out like dying leaves on a tree on a crisp fall day, I truly was getting pumped for my man. I loved his swagger, and the brotha could give a speech… shit, that speech he did on race was fantastic. Yet at the same time, as he started throwing folks under the bus like ole Rev. Wright, I felt a gnawing internally wondering what is this man all about? Then there was the the thing about his speeches, they felt so good but what does it all mean? Seriously, can you break down this change and this hope in a step by step list?
No, as time and those speeches went on, I was reminded of a paper I did several years ago in grad school on the subject of knowledge management. See, I did a large paper on the subject of knowledge management, basically a lovely abstract paper that to this day I felt was bullshit after all I am very good at getting abstract when it comes to academics but framing it in such a way that it sounds deep and meaningful. In fact my professor a man, with not one but two PH.D’s urged me to have the piece published… thankfully I chose not to since if for a million bucks you asked me a specific question on KM, I would not get the cash. No, Obama reminds me of that paper.. sounds so good but Negro, what are you really saying?
Anyway his O-ness became the presumptive nominee after her Highness realized the math did not break for her no matter what she did. So I was cool, but the O-man started getting too cocky, too full of himself and honestly started making folks like me ask what is goings on here? All this leads up to his choice for a VP, Joe Biden. Now I know a lot of folks think he did good picking BIden, but me, if I was the O-man, um, no…
Seriously, back when Biden was running he talked pretty greasy about Obama and personally you say I am clean and articulate (sorry the paraphrase, too lazy too look that up) but I remember that shit. Words like that tell me a lot about how you feel about me and guess what I don’t forget. I don’t know but if he was gonna go with someone who talked greasy about him, I feel like damn, maybe he should have picked Hillary who it turns out he never really had on the short list so I heard this morning.
Don’t get me wrong, Hillary is a world class bitch, but she is a bitch that had a lot of supporters, many who are still frosty as hell at how things broke for their girl. Making her #2 would be fraught with issues, since clearly she and Bubba are a package but right now if these polls are to believed the distance between Obama and McNasty is not that great and before Obama and Michelle start thinking of the move from Hyde Park, they are going to have to convince a lot of folks to vote for them.
No, Obama in my two cent opinion is not nearly as different as he lead many folks to believe, the change is that he is Black. At the same time, that Blackness means he needs to work twice as hard to convince Joe Six-Pack to vote for him, Joe “hate niggas” Six-Pack would rather have more wars and more instability in this country than to see a Negro in charge. Granted I don’t think Obama will be able to do as much to change things as he would have us to believe but we know if McNasty wins, he will make Bush-Cheney look like the opening act to the madness that will rain down upon us. I believe if McNasty wins, we will be wishing for George “Bumbling” Bush and his evil sidekick.
So while say Biden will help him win over that crowd, well I just don’t know since the problem is now all the kids who got geeked riding the Obama love-train are feeling like O was perpetrating and not being truthful since picking a guy like Biden does not say change.
Guess the problem for me is that ultimately while Obama tried to make us feel he was sincere and different at the end of the day, he feels likes the same old, same old just dressed in a different package. That said history is in the making this week, so that is a change.