We need to ditch the myths and stick together to win this one

A group of several red pawn chess pieces to the left, with a lone black pawn chess piece off to the right, possibly indicating shunning or exclusion, or possibly even a tentative approach to a group

Out of all the anti-vax myths to stick around these 18 months, the one that bothers me the most is COVID isn’t really a problem if you’re “healthy.” Somehow this misconception persists despite the well-documented, ongoing and debilitating effects of long COVID amongst everyone, the young and healthy included. The problem, of course is that …

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Cooking with BGIM!

This post is for a few folks who asked me about some recipes I had mentioned recently. For new readers, I don’t talk a great deal about it since I am always running my mouth about something else but cooking is one of my hobbies. Living in Maine in fall it also means apples galore! …

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Poor Ronald McDonald the Scapegoat!

So McDonald’s, the king of cheap, calorie laden, gas inducing (even poop inducing) burgers is going to make the Happy Meal a little less happy and a little more healthy and somehow this is going to help make the children of America a little less obese? Really? Well it seems there are many who feel …

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