Ladies, let’s have a chat

As if there is nothing else in the world going on, it’s clear that women in the US (and really beyond) are under attack. I wrote recently about this, both here in this space as well as in my monthly column for the Portland Phoenix. As the days go by, it’s clear that women are …

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Its happened again…

Its happened yet again, another senseless school shooting. This time the place was Chardon, OH, and as of this writing two young people have lose their lives and three were physically injured. Of course the impact of this act is far greater than the five who physically were harmed, a community was harmed. For the …

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Cultural differences and death…a homegoing

Today the world laid Whitney Houston to rest, and for some it was none to soon but as I accidentally found myself sucked into reading tweets about the service and later actually watching it on TV, I realized there was something larger at play. Despite the strides over the years for Black Americans to integrate …

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